War Park 2024-04-22 20:14

For the Soviet Red Army, the raising of their national flag above the Reichstag in Berlin is an iconic World War II photograph taken during the Battle of Berlin on 2nd May 1945. It depicts a Soviet soldier raising the Soviet flag at the Reichstag building. Reprinted in thousands of publications and seen around the world, it is one of the most important and recognisable images of World War II, it has become for the Soviets, a symbol of their victory over Nazi Germany.

The Battle of Berlin was the last major battle of the Second World War. On 16th April 1945, the Soviet Union Red Army broke through the German lines, from the Vistula-Oderoffensive and rapidly penetrated west into the German mainland, advancing at a rate of 30-40 km per day. The offensive culminated in the Battle of Berlin, which lasted from late April 20 to May 2, 1945, and was one of the bloodiest battles in history.

Built in 1894, the Reichstag in Berlin was the historic seat of Germany's national legislature, and is one of the most recognizable buildings in Germany. The building was seen by the Soviet Red Army as a symbol of the fascist enemy. For the Nazis, however, the Reichstag was a symbol of the weakness of democracy and representative government. It had been closed for 12 years up till 1945, after the Reichstag fire in 1933, essentially the entire period of Nazi rule. All subsequent meetings of the Congressional Legislature are held at the nearby Kroll Opera House. After fierce fighting in Berlin, the Soviets finally captured the Reichstag on May 2, 1945.
This month, War Park’s release features a restored historical model of the Reichstag in Berlin, where the Soviet Red Army planted their flag. It consists of 3 metal soldiers + 1 resin platform, the soles of soldiers have rivet pins, and can be inserted affix on the corresponding positions on the platform.

Original Chinese text follows.
战争公园 战争公园 2024-04-22 20:14